My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book needs no introduction nor a synopsis so I'll just get down to it.
Oh Fifty what a ride!! What a heart stopping, gut wrenching, mind F*&#ing ride! This book is one to be savored. I made the mistake of
This book has everything you loved from the first two books and more! My only complaint was Christian. There were times I wanted to punch him in the mouth; that beautifull, talented, oh so dirty mouth. I would have definitely kissed it better afterwards, but I still wanted to deck him. Some of the things he did, I would have completely excused in Fifty Shades of Grey, maybe slapped him on the
Overall, Fifty Shades Freed wasn't my favorite out of the three, but I still have to say thank you to E.L. James. Thank you for my happy ending! She ended this series leaving me completely sated (and in dire need of a cold shower). Before I read this series, I was NOT a fan of erotica, hell I still don't like erotica, but somehow Fifty has ended up on my all-time favorite's list. This series will completely mess with your mind causing a complete detachment between want and need, right and wrong. This book blurs the line, redefines limits, and takes you on a ride you'll never forget.
I'll leave you with this picture I found that perfectly (almost scary how perfectly) depicts what I'm SURE will be one of your favorite scenes from Fifty Shades Freed

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This is where I normally put "other books you may like", but
after reading this series no other books will compare.
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Post Fifty Depression
ooh...hot picture:) I had many of the same complaints as you about this one, pacing, fifty knowing to not make certain mistakes during this part of the trilogy, etc. It's been a great ride though. Your reviews as always are sensational and make me laugh. Great job!
ReplyDeleteI love Grey. I have to find my own Mr. Grey
ReplyDeleteNow *I* have to google "topping from the bottom". AND reread this book ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha...I, too, googled "topping from the bottom" as it appeared in this book, and then two more shortly thereafter.