Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's a blog eat blog world and everyone's taking a bite

There's something sad going on in the book community right now. It has been going on for quite a while, reaching the point where I have to speak up. I can't not say anything any longer. Toes may be broken, and by the end of this post, my soap box may be a big pile of wood chips. You may even want to pick up those wood chips and throw them in my face, but this needs to be said. Changes need to be made. That big fat elephant in the room needs to be taken down! Now!

When did blogging become this huge competition? When did our love for books turn into petty jealousy and harsh words? When did things get so bad that it has literally driven bloggers away? Sites closed, facebooks deleted? When did it stop being about passion, support, and promoting authors? When did we all get so selfish?

The venom I read and hear about on a daily basis, burns. Bloggers bashing other bloggers. Bloggers bashing bloggers to other authors. authors!! Bloggers bashing bloggers to anyone who will listen. Sadly sometimes even authors getting in on the bashing.

So what pray tell are the horrid crimes of these bloggers to justify such extremes?

These extremes are fueled by jealousy. This blogger got that book early. That blogger has a closer relationship with this author. She got this. They got that. She talks to her on the phone. That blog got an exclusive. She was mentioned in the acknowledgments. That author posted on her wall. It makes my head hurt!!

I don't care if you hot tub naked with E.L. James while painting each others toenails, sharing a margarita with two straws. It's not about us!

It's not about you!

We need to remember why we blog. We blog to share something we love, something that has inspired passion, evoked emotion. We blog to promote authors, their books. It's about them!! It's not about what's in it for us. Yes, I've gotten amazing opportunities and developed close relationships because I blog. Books, friendships, an amazing network of individuals that share something that is very precious to me, but that is what it's all about, sharing. And trust me, there's plenty of author love to go around. They may not know each blogger individually or comment on your post, but they appreciate everyone equally, everyone. We do this for them. We do this for our readers. We don't do this for ourselves!

We shouldn't be tearing each other down. We should be building each other up, supporting each other. Because don't we all share the same goal? We should. By supporting each other, we're supporting the books we love and the authors that created them.

Trust me, I know it's hard sometimes. Seeing another blogger get something you want. I've been there. I'm not faultless, not even close. It's okay to be envious, that's human nature, but the jealousy and behind the back bashing needs to stop.  We are grown ass men and women acting like we're in high school. The ridiculous drama gets so bad that I've even hovered over the delete button on a few occasions. It's hard to see something I love getting tainted by such ugliness. Sometimes I just want to wash my hands of it all, but then I remember why.

Rise above. Remember what it's all about.

If you want to crawl over me on your way to the top, I'll give you a boost. It's not about me. This post may even send me into blogger exile or cause me to lose a few followers, but that's my point. It's not about being on top. It's about doing your part and every part, no matter how big or small is important.

We are better than this!


  1. I'm an indie author, so I don't know much about how bloggers actually operate or what truly motivates them. I love them and I want them to help me.

    I appreciate your honestly. I'm your fb and gr friend...not gonna delete you or unfollow.

    Being true to your craft is a good thing.

  2. Amen! Thanks! I've been scared poopless to do memes due to stepping on peoples toes. And I refuse to read a review until I've written and posted my own if I plan on reading that book. It's crazy. I've been lucky to make some AMAZING blogger friend who've helped me along the way. Still a newbie my 1 year anniversary is on the 20th

  3. This was a good post Mollie as I have been on the recieving end of a bashing with someone basically telling me I was faking my reviews and I couldnt read as many books as I do and so forth onto one of my Amazon reviews. The other thing I have found lately is there are book bloggers out there who are given people like you and me a bad name - by pirating the epubs that they recieve as ARCs. It really has unfortunately become a blog eat blog world to put it. People need to take a step back and remember the real reason they got into book blogging for me - my site started just as a place to record and review the books I got out of my library.

    1. I'm sorry Paula! That's horrible! If anyone has talked about me I'd be shocked! I'm too tiny. I am sorry you are too sweet for that!

  4. I love you and this is the best post I've read in a long time. I would never throw wood chips at you unless they magically turned into sparkly pink glitter first.

  5. The cream always rises to the top. You write a highly followed and highly respected blog. You should be really proud of what you've built. These types of issues exist (and will continue to) regardless of the industry or venue. Sorry to see it get you down. Do not let it break your "tough" loving spirit! :)

  6. Very well said. I just stared my blog in January so, I have not been around very long so, I haven't heard bloggers or Authors say bad things about each other. So I guess that is a good thing. I love helping Authors and fellow bloggers. You ask me for help I'll help as much as I can. There is plenty of room out there for all of us. I found this on fb and I am glad. Thank you for spreading the word out. :)

  7. Wow. I've been out of the loop on blogging business. This is the first I've heard of this news too. It's sad what book blogging has done to certain people. I admit I sometimes get jealous over the awesome books that other bloggers get, but never jealous enough to wreck someone's reputation. Hopefully things will die down.

  8. Wow, I hear this stuff, and honestly was on the receiving end once. It made me avoid starting a blog for a year. Now I prefer to bury my head in the sand and ignore the yucky stuff.

    1. If anyone is ever mean to you...I will trample them....your blog is fantastic and the cherry on top is that you are a sweet...approachable real person..... I dont even know what happened. ...I live under a rock I guess. ..but in reading this makes me sad.

  9. Awesome!!! Your soap box is still strong girlie!!! I agree 100% with everything you said :)

  10. It is sad for the Bloggers, Authors, and Readers. Your blog is one of the first I started following. I started following more and more chasing contest. Well after the last few weeks I decided it wasn't worth it. I have seen more Drama the last 2 weeks then I do on my Soap opera. First readers are bashed for book Pirating ( Understandable )Then I heard that some Bloggers were Pirating Books. Then I heard some Bloggers and Authors work together for trade offs, Gifts for good reviews which then Hurts the readers that pay for books, based on misguided reviews. It sux and I have decided since the Readers have no platform to speak and be heard. I am going to go back to where I started following only your blog and a few others. "Small list" I deleted quite a few Blog Sites and Authors that focus and feed on the drama. I was happy and content when I was in small book groups created on FB that only shared opinions on books. All of this drama has totally turned me off of the whole seen. So it is hurting everyone! I will continue to follow you :) I feel bad for you guys that have been doing this for awhile, it seems the newer ones are competing the most. I attended my first Book signing a couple of months ago, and Loved it. I am scheduled to attend the one in Vegas and am now asking myself is it worth it. Sad to have to feel that way. But that is how this last couple of weeks have made me feel. Anyways I've been holding all that in for a couple of days, and had to let it out when I saw now 2 of my favorite Bloggers ready to say screw it. Hang in there. <3

    Michelle Baccamazzi Graves

    1. After watching your video, I knew I had posted Anonymous but I Signed my Name and didn't call you a Beotch;)I have a question now though, I have been meaning to ask someone. On this blog and some others I try to enter my name but it doesn't let me, I'm sure it's something simple, but my brain has turned to mush since becoming a stay at home Mom. So how do you post with your name without creating another account? I tried with my AIM account wouldn't work and I don't know what to put as a web site address. LMK cuz I like to put my name on it :)Thanks Mollie This will be Anonymous again, just tried all Profiles, not working!

  11. well said Mollie! I'm not 100% sure (but almost) that you were the first blogger I started following when I started reading again. So I can tell you that I won't be throwing anything at you or going anywhere. I always like to see what books you liked and have read a few of them first was probably The Opportunist (of course that may have been because I won the ecopy from first time winning an ebook). I look forward to always seeing what you have to say and agree that it shouldn't be what blogger got what. It should be about people sharing great books that they have read and things like that. There always has to be someone that has to ruin things for everyone (like so many things in life). ROCK Mollie!!

  12. <3 you and respect you. Well said.

  13. I just posted something similar on my blog yesterday. The competition atmosphere is what turned me off from reading for about three months. The vibe so was negative and the feeling (yes, self imposed) to keep up with the masses was just too much. It wasn't why I started to do this and it still isn't.

  14. Thank you Mollie for taking the time to share this and for having the guts to put it out there! Blog bullying, cyber bullying and all other forms of bullying are huge in the author world. I myself had my name dragged to the ground when someone decided to create fake accounts in my name on amazon and started commenting on posts. Of course everyone assumed it was me and it didn't matter what I said to inform them otherwise. The abuse got so bad I had to take my book down and republish only to have them move onto that book. The stress nearly broke me and for what? I am a kind person and would never intentionally be awful to someone else. I thank you for this because you're not only the voice for yourself but for all of us too, thank you.

  15. Well said and you'll never know what you're speaking up about this means to me! Thank god you had the guts to do it. Love you, you twat! xx

  16. I couldn't agree more - I love that you put this post out there! I agree with Ana too, I have just ended up trying my best to stay away from all the drama. There's just too much of it. It should be about the books. That's why we do this, after all, right? ... the books, the authors, the recommendations and building a reading community based on mutual love for reading ♥

  17. Seriously have been having a crap day, just ranted about this hysterically crying to one of my closest friends because someone pushed me around in this blog eat blog world. Been feeling mot good enough with my tiny blog. Been feeling like my posts didn't matter but when I didn't like a book (heaven forbid) I am the worst person on the face of the earth. I almost quit today, and then she linked me to you and I smiled. I still want to pull a blanket over my head at the moment but it's nice to know I am not the only one who noticed the funny business


    1. Hang in there!! There are some great bloggers out there that would be happy to lend an ear, a shoulder, give a fist bump for support. Do what makes you happy and f**k everything else. Cyber hugs xx <3

    2. Keep at it and do it for YOU and your followers! I do NOT like a lot of the books out on the market today, those books which so many people LOVE. I get a lot of flack because of it, but you know what, its my opinion and I have every right to speak it; just like you do! I relate this post to what authors are doing to other authors. I had several 'just coming into their notoriety' authors say to me when I started my FB and blogging page, "thanks for the LIKE but you need to seriously consider hanging with people more of your level." It's turned me off from supporting 'those' individuals and not pushing my own pages, because I prefer a drama free life; especially at my age! LOL! Sometimes people just never grow up and they feed off of hurting other people. Keep at it and do it for YOU-it's what is most important after all!!!

  18. Thank you for posting this. I dealt with this in my 'previous' life in corporate/entrepreneur world as well. Really it is sad and I've always been open and honest and unfortunately our society no longer has these values. I stay very clear away from this type of 'crap' and choose to do my own thing, even if that means it takes me a little longer. At least I have my dignity and can sleep at night knowing I didn't do it at someone else's expense. Thankfully I teach my kids the same lesson my mom taught me, "if you're going to put another persons name in your mouth, be prepared to tell it to their face." I've lived by that for 38 yrs and have no intention of stopping now. Keep doing what you've been doing!!

  19. AH-FREAKIN-MAZING!!!! And damn skippy to you. Seriously, I'll be honest, I'm a little naive still when it comes to the blogger world, but I think I rather like having my head under a pile of books and not out in the open so I actually have to see the negativity around our community. Blogging for me is a passion and something that soothes me. I would hate to make it into something so ugly and hateful just by being so crude, so shameful. We are better than that!!!

    I think you've managed to put everything that needed to be said into your post and what people take away from this is completely up to them, but to me it's more about what you didn't say. And that right there, says more than any words. You never once apologized for your stand. THANK YOU for that!

    So Many Books So Little Time

  20. Thank you for posting this. As a reader who follows several blogs, I have to say the things I've read about this weekend have really surprised me. I follow blogs for specific reasons. Sometimes it's for the reviews (not always cause I can tell they aren't always honest), sometimes for the author interviews, sometimes for the giveaways (cause they make you follow), and sometimes it's because I follow an author around on a blog tour especially when they leave interesting posts about themselves. The main reason is because I want information on new books coming out. I want an honest opinion of whether or not I should spend my money on a particular book. I've shared your blog post on FB and I hope everyone does. We the readers are the ones missing out on all of this. The authors write for us (I hope) and the bloggers "blog" for us the readers. If you lose us in all the b.s. then you lose everything right?

  21. thanks for being the voice. we dont have the guts to say it and you did it with grace. thanks Mollie!

  22. Thank you Mollie! I love this post and I love that you always speak your mind! I totally agree with you and anything you say can not scare me away from you or your blog! :) Preach on mama I love it <3

  23. Can I confess my undying blogger crush now ? Best thing I have seen ever ! Can't a chick just love a book ?? Hats off to you Tough critic Book Reviews !

  24. If anyone tries to knock your soapbox down Mollie, I'll be there with hammer and nails ready to build it back up again. Posts like these are the reason I look to you whenever I need an honest take on things. Im not a book blogger, I just love reading good books. For us readers to see all this going on is really sad and it makes me bloody cranky at the same. I'm 47 years old and left all that schoolyard stuff behind a long time ago
    . Apart from you and another trusted blog that I follow I am now wondering who can I trust to not get caught up in this childish drama. Bravo Mollie, bravo.. NEVER CHANGE YOU!

  25. If anyone tries to knock your soapbox down Mollie, I'll be there with hammer and nails ready to build it back up again. Posts like these are the reason I look to you whenever I need an honest take on things. Im not a book blogger, I just love reading good books. For us readers to see all this going on is really sad and it makes me bloody cranky at the same. I'm 47 years old and left all that schoolyard stuff behind a long time ago
    . Apart from you and another trusted blog that I follow I am now wondering who can I trust to not get caught up in this childish drama. Bravo Mollie, bravo.. NEVER CHANGE YOU!

  26. Wow, I had no idea things were so crazy out there.

    I don't own the blog I contribute to, so I don't have a lot of interaction with other bloggers. The few that I do talk to all seem pretty cool.

    No worries, when all those 'Mean Girls' flip their hair at you and say nasty things you can always come to our lunch table and we'll hang out. LOL.

  27. So true in every way.

  28. I love that you wrote this....and I guess I've been living under a rock because I didn't know about your blog... now I'm subscribing.... thank you so much for having the guts to put this out there

  29. I love this.....very well said!

  30. Great post and I am sorry if you got on the other end of the bad blogger stick. Your right there are a few bloggers out there that are out for themselves but there are some that are not. I have noticed this and am working on writing a column about it in BTS eMaG.I doubt it will do them any good. I believe in support each other not tear down. When I started my blog years ago noting like this was happening, it was nice but a few bloggers found ways to get into the authors pocket and then turn around and rub it in the others bloggers face. I myself created a private facebook group where a few bloggers tweets post and helps each other and that is hows it should be done, not tear down.

    When I opened my blog I never went to the authors and asked for a ARC copy and I still dont, I can careless who gets what and how they got it. I have even told new bloggers we are not in competition and we should support each other but some bloggers never get this in their heads they think we should compete. Then there are some blogger that has gotten so large that they think they can do and say anything the want and maybe they can but its because readers listen to their bullshit as they are cutting down other blogs down, so that make the blog reader and follower part if the bullshit and they should be ashamed too.

    My suggestion is for you to let them go and just write honest no bashing reviews and the authors will come. They may not be JR Ward or whoever the big name is at the time but don't ever think the little author can't be an amazing writer. I have found a love for the indie authors and most bloggers hates them because some indie authors doesn't understand they do need to hire and editor but some of these authors have editors and are better writer then any Ward or Kenyon out there today. So please dont listen to them and do your own thing and you will grow.

    Most people thinks blogger has it easy but we dont. We get it from bad authors and bad bloggers. I have even though about closing up my blog several time but I know some really fantastic authors so I will keep plugging for them and you should too.

  31. Blog readers have enough love to go around. We're much happier when bloggers support authors and fans as a community. Thank you for posting this.

  32. Thank you, this post was very informative. I'm a new book blogger. In a world where everything is competitive, I didn't know book bloggers compete like this too. While it's disappointing, I will not be taking part in the competitiveness of it. I think the best you can do is not worry what other people are doing and just focus on doing your best. If you can do that successfully (which few can) then you're already ahead.

  33. Amen sista!! Well said, well said!!

  34. Very well said! There have been times since I started blogging when I've seen other bloggers get an ARC I'm coveting, or meet an author I would LOVE to sit down and chat with, and I'm envious. And I've even talked one on one with authors for interviews, promos, tours...whatever, and then see them openly shout out to another blogger on FB or on their blog, and I'll be like...WTH, where's my shout out, I thought we were BFFs now :). But bottom line, we're all in this for the same reasons. If reading an amazing story and then telling the world all about it, helping promote struggling Indie authors and just plain fan girl gushing on your blog, is not the reason you do what you do, maybe you should be doing something else. Bloggers should support other bloggers, not try to tear them down or make them look bad!

  35. "If you want to crawl over me on your way to the top, I'll give you a boost. It's not about me."
    LOVE THIS! And the bit about hot tubbing with E.L. James!

    Sad to hear that bloggers have to deal with such petty jealousy and bullying. Noticed a few bloggers deleting their pages and think this might be why. :( As an indie author, I hope those of y'all in it for the right reasons hang tough and keep doing what you do. Because you're awesome and appreciated!! Thanks for all you do to promote great books!

    Caisey ;)

  36. VERY well said , you are 100% right , we do this for the authors, and the readers

  37. I hear this from every side but I am probably lucky not to experience this myself and to be surrounded by not jelaous bloggers. I am a small blog and as you said I do it to support authors and share my love for reading!

    Any by the way, you just earned a follower ;)

  38. Tear...tear I am new to book blogging. After reigniting my passion for reading I thought it would be cool to implement what I know from blogging for my business and partnering with bloggers to promote my business over to my love of reading and blogging. A couple a months ago I reached out to several book bloggers and ask to collaborate with a big giveaway Kindle Fire HD..Ipad Mini etc..something along that line if we got 10 blogs to participate we would only have to put in so many dollars each and the giveaway would be ran on all the sites. While I understand as far as new followers my blog would benefit greatly and thus I was willing to put in the largest chunk. Well not one blogger was interested. I was shocked that not one blogger wanted to participate. or not one wanted to take the newbie under there wing. I cannot even get another book blog to share a giveaway or anything with there fans. I ran the Kindle Fire HD giveaway on my own. Contacted some bloggers to share and nothing. I never seen anything like it before. But this post explains it all. I hope that book bloggers can come together and see that every blog brings it's own element to the table and we can come together to support one another.
    Kudos to you for taking a stand!

  39. couldn't have said it better myself!!! :)

  40. VERY WELL SAID.....We have only heard about this recently and luckily being a new blog we haven't had any drama...that I'm aware of BUT it sucks to know these things go on. Makes ppl def wanna close it down. It sickens me to know while we make NO money and have been operational for ant 6 months we haven't even hit the amazon assoc threshold . We r not I. It for that only like to read.Thanks for the article and drawingthis all out in the open.

  41. Great post. I hope your message is heard and people stay positive. There are so many great things going on and so many good books to read, there's no room for tearing each other down. You got some balls and I love it!


    Well said! Some people forget why they started in the first place. They get greedy and want more. They want to be the most popular girl in school, they want to be that person that everyone says hi to on the street, they want the names to drop and the attention for themselves. Pity, really.

    Its a shame when a blogger I appreciate just ends their blog, their fb, their twitter. I follow you because I want to read what you have to say, what you thought of this book or that movie or what your opinion is on poodles that wear leather chaps.

    I stop reading what you say when you turn into an ass or a bully. I've stopped reading and following a few as of late... and I don't miss their opinion at all.

  43. AMEN! Thank you, thank you, thank you! As an up and coming author, I've been rather taken aback by the vitriol I've seen in the blogs, and it has made me hesitant to approach any bloggers to ask for a review. Thank you for standing up and saying what needed to be said. Here's to hoping others will take the stand right beside you!

  44. As a newbie to the blogging scene, i will have to admit, i was really intimadated by the extremes i saw out there. We just wanted to let others know how much we love the authors we read and we want to see that author succeed. Fortunately, in our baby steps, a handful of blogging sites have 'friend'ed us and have even sent us helpful tips.

    Thank you for reestablishing this as a 'fun' thing we do!

    -Bartender & Proprietor, Desiree

  45. I'm still relatively new to the blogging world, only a month and a half in, but I've had a warm welcome from a couple established bloggers. Fortunately, I haven't encountered any blog bashing yet - and hopefully I never will - but with all that's been happening in the book world, sadly I'm not surprised at this news. Thanks for putting it into words and bringing this issue to light. Supporting authors and sharing our love of books should ALWAYS be at the forefront of what we do!

    By the way, I love your videos =)

  46. I've been blogging for five and a half years and its been this way for just as long. I've worked hard for all my contacts at the publishing houses. I attend sponsored events from them and I work closely with them. This will continue to go on as long as people blog.

    most of my reviews are from purchased books or library. I refuse to partake in the IN MY MAILBOX meme because it caused problems. jealousy will always be an issue.

    Two years ago I was punched in the back at BEA, when someone was trying to grab for a galley. one girl was bitten. it even happens at events like that.

    I posted something similar two or three years ago. it's been said and complained about before.

  47. I wasn't at all aware of this drama! Shows how clueless I am. I try to stay away from comments, because up until the last year or so, "indie" authors weren't so beloved as they are now. (Which, by the way, has been an awesome and beautiful thing to witness and be part of!)

    Unfortunately, there are always people who will do anything it takes except work hard. ;-)

    Keep an open heart and lead by example, with love.

  48. Well said! Unfortunately there are trolls all over the internet. But there are great people too and we just need to stand together and not let the trolls take away what we enjoy.

  49. Well said, Mollie. It's a sad day when we choose not to support something we love because of the ugliness that some bring to the table. Thanks for taking a stand and discussing the issue openly and honestly. I would only hope those that are blogging bullies could see the harm they are actually creating, and learn how to express their opinions in a creatively positive way.

  50. Thank you for this post! I am a VERY new blogger, but already have ran into some of this. I asked one of my favorite bloggers that I have been following for over a year for a few tips on the best way to promote my blog, and you would have thought I was asking for state secrets, lol. Anyway, there are plenty of books and authors out there to go around, and if it takes me ten years to get to more than 10 likes on facebook, or more than 6 followers on blogger, well then that's okay too.

  51. Thank you for posting this and saying it so well.

  52. Thank you for posting this and saying it so well.

  53. Why is Firefox double posting me everywhere today?!

  54. Funny how you mention this because I've seen you bully readers yourself if they step on your toes because your a blogger and friend to authors and readers aren't. Power trip. Black meet kettle. Before I ever read your blog, I always heard that your a big mouth who like to put people in their place, but really who the hell are you to think your better than the average reader? Nurse turned blogger turned bitch. Practice what you preach. Funny is one thing. Mean is another. You have cyber bullied people just like some authors have. Even if your right with this particular post, it's still bullshit because you do the same BS that you're trying to lecture others about. Hypocrite. Maybe next time blog about Authors and Bloggers bullying readers.

    1. I am not going to delete this comment because I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I admit I have a big mouth, but I do not and have not tried to put anyone in their place. Much less flat out call someone a bitch. If you feel I have in some way been offensive to you or any other reader, I would love to hear about it and apologize if anything I said came across that way. It was not my intent. I do not feel like I'm better than the average reader and admit above in my post that I myself am not faultless. I cannot think of one instance where I have been mean to a reader, but like I said. If you feel that way, please email me and let me know these instances. However, even if things I have said in the past have been misconstrued, which I apologize for, I have never called anyone names. Especially something as offensive as a bitch. So if you would like to email me, that is fine, but please keep it adult and free from name calling. Again, I am sorry if my post came across as me being superior...that was not my intent. I have defended myself a few times against bullying (which was from readers) and decided that doing that publicly was inappropriate and have long sense apologized for that. So if that is what you are referring to I am sorry. I have made mistakes in my past, but that is the purpose of this post. Things need to change.

  55. GAINED a follower. Very well said. Thank you for this post! I just started blogging, so I haven't experienced anything first hand...but have witnessed. It's part of the issue with the internet: you can bash people while hiding behind a computer screen miles and miles away. It makes people feel safer while saying things that they would never say to another to his/her face.

    Be kind, folks. Those are still people with human emotions behind the font.

  56. I applaud you Mollie, for this post!! I'm really glad you created this post and were not afraid to put your feelings out there. It's blogs like your that inspired me months ago to want to start a blog of my own and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you.

    ~ Lyndsay

  57. Yay!
    Couldn't agree more. Fortunately, I stay out of blogger fights or away from the noise, but I see how exclusive the club is and frankly, I will start my own club if the entrance fee is bashing others. Well said and if you hadn't, I would have.
    Your blogging friend, Gliterary Girl

  58. This is a great post, Mollie. I always love the complete honesty you have on your blog. Your willingness to stand up and say something. I think the competition from both authors and bloggers sometimes comes because they want instant success. Both authors and bloggers have to build their readership. You've been building your following like I've been building readership. Slowly and steadily. I remember when I started, I couldn't get any blog to even review my book. It took time. I'm sure it's the same with bloggers. You have to build your following to get some of the "bigger" ARCS because there are only so many available.
    I just hope everyone keeps enjoying the blogs that really help to facilitate a love of reading because that's what it's all about.
    I heart you!!

  59. Well said, Mollie. Thank you for everything you do! <3

  60. Wow that's a sad thing to hear! I count on bloggers like yourself to learn about books I wouldnt otherwise know about. It's refreshing to see someone speaking out and speaking up.

  61. i'm an indie author and my motto in life has always been 'one for all and all for one'(alexander dumas). in helping other autors in some ways i'm helping myself, be it true or not, it's my way of life. but i must admit the jealousy i've found in this world i cannot compare to anything... with billions of people in the world that read, i don't understand why the jealousy. there's enough love to go around for every blogger and every author, the trick, in my opinion, is kindness and respect, two elements we tend to forget all too often.
    thank you for sharing your feelings, mollie. it's becoming harder and harder to find honesty

  62. This is one of the best blog posts I have read in a very long time. There is truly room for everyone at the table. And, as bloggers, we are supposed to be in this for the love of reading and supporting great books and/or authors and not for our own glory. But, to each their own. EXCELLENT POST!!!

  63. I appreciate your words and appreciate all the bloggers that support the love of reading. I wish upon a star that I could know every blogger and every reader like we were BFF's.... obviously it is impossible to do. That said, I appreciate every blog post, every reader, every review whether good or bad... because it means someone is reading my work. I believe most writers feel that way. Let's face it, reading is subjective. One blog may love a book and another might hate it or brand it mediocre. I would be less than honest if I didn't admit that I tend to have closer relationships with bloggers and readers who love my work. It's human nature. Jealousy is human, too, and everyone experiences it at times. But you're right, bashing or shunning of others is pointless and immature. I feel sad when I read it or hear about it.

  64. You are so absolutely right, it is unfortunately a tough world to exist in these days, whether you are writing fan fiction, book reviews or anything else with a lot of competition. Having a blog of my own, I've been on the receiving end of some pretty hateful words and I just don't understand why that is really necessary. But some people are just like that unfortunately. I have chosen to focus on the positive things and comments that I get and do it for them as much as for myself, because I love it.
    Thank you for writing this post and reminding people to love instead of hating.

  65. Hey Mollie,
    This poppped up in my memories today and thought I would re-share it as unfortunately it is still an issue - maybe even bigger now three years later.
    Hope all is well :) xxx
