HOLY SHEE-IT!! I'm giddy, capital "G", put me in pigtails, stick a sucker in my mouth GIDDY! Call me Han Solo because this stupid ass grin is permanently frozen on my face!
Dear Rachel Vincent,
I'm sorry I doubted your brilliance and began to lose faith in Soul Screamers. I didn't know! Holy hot paranormal hell, I didn't know! I should have trusted you. I tried to put a time frame on kickassness and almost missed this! Your last two books in this series have been OM-WOW!! My almost "disloyalty" deserves to be punished, but could you do me a favor and send Tod over to do the punishing ;-) I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up tohim you. Great job with this series and I am so glad I didn't give up on it!
Yours faithfully (from this point on),
I'm sorry I doubted your brilliance and began to lose faith in Soul Screamers. I didn't know! Holy hot paranormal hell, I didn't know! I should have trusted you. I tried to put a time frame on kickassness and almost missed this! Your last two books in this series have been OM-WOW!! My almost "disloyalty" deserves to be punished, but could you do me a favor and send Tod over to do the punishing ;-) I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to
Yours faithfully (from this point on),
Let me say that even though I may have been indifferent with the Soul Screamers series before, before is gone. The past is the past and the future is Rachel Vincent! I don't care if you hate books 1-4; it's effing worth it to get to this point; getting to now is the best reward. Rachel Vincent knew in her head where she was going with this series and if there ever was a time to be patient, that time is now!! READ ON!!

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